How to fix error code 0-1021: Office 2019 installation blocked by antivirus

If you encounter error code 0-1021 while installing Office 2019, your antivirus software is likely blocking the process. Follow these steps to fix the issue:

  1. Disable your antivirus temporarily: Most antivirus programs allow temporary disabling. Try turning it off and then install Office 2019 again.
  2. Add Office 2019 to the antivirus exclusion list: If disabling the antivirus doesn't work, add Office 2019 to the exclusion list. This will let the installation proceed without antivirus interference.
  3. Uninstall and reinstall your antivirus: If the previous steps fail, uninstall your antivirus software and reinstall it after completing the Office 2019 installation.
  4. Contact your antivirus support: If none of the steps work, reach out to your antivirus provider for additional help. They might have a solution.

Note: Temporarily disabling or excluding Office 2019 in your antivirus may expose your computer to security risks. Re-enable the antivirus or remove the exclusion after installation is done.

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